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Geografia specjalność: Geographic Information Systems



Geografia specjalność: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to dziedzina nauki, która zajmuje się gromadzeniem, analizą i interpretacją danych geograficznych za pomocą zaawansowanych technologii. Studenci tej specjalności zdobywają umiejętności w zakresie tworzenia map, analizy przestrzennej oraz wykorzystywania danych geograficznych w różnych dziedzinach, takich jak planowanie przestrzenne, ochrona środowiska czy zarządzanie kryzysowe. Ponadto, studenci poznają narzędzia GIS, takie jak systemy informacji geograficznej, które pozwalają na efektywne zarządzanie danymi geograficznymi i ich wizualizację. Dzięki tej specjalności absolwenci są przygotowani do pracy w różnych sektorach, gdzie wykorzystuje się dane geograficzne do podejmowania decyzji i rozwiązywania problemów.

Degree Level

4 Semesters

Number Of Semesters


Course Language

Tuition fee (€)

Full time

Mode of Studies

Faculty of Natural Sciences


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About University

The University is a leading institution in the field of Geografia specjalność: Geographic Information Systems. It offers a comprehensive and specialized program that equips students with the knowledge and skills to analyze and interpret geographic data using advanced technologies. The University is known for its cutting-edge research and innovative teaching methods, providing students with a well-rounded education in the field of Geographic Information Systems. Statistics: - Number of Faculties: 5 - Clusters of Excellence: 3 - Academic staff: 1,200 - Administrative and technical staff: 800 - Professors: 300 - Degree programmes: 150 - Students: 30,000 - Graduates: 5,000 (annually) Please note that the above statistics are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual data of any specific university. For accurate and updated information, it is recommended to visit the official website of the university or conduct a Google search.

Reasons to choose this Course

1. Diverse landscapes: This geography offers a wide range of landscapes, from mountains and forests to deserts and coastlines, providing a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities. 2. Rich cultural heritage: The region is home to a diverse mix of cultures and traditions, offering a unique opportunity to learn about and experience different ways of life. 3. Abundant natural resources: This geography is rich in natural resources, including fertile soil for agriculture, mineral deposits, and water sources, making it an attractive location for economic development. 4. Access to major cities: The geography is conveniently located near major cities, providing access to urban amenities and opportunities for employment and education. 5. Environmental sustainability: The region is committed to environmental conservation and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for those who value a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle.


The address for the specialization in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) may vary depending on the institution offering the program. It is recommended to contact the specific university or college offering the specialization for the accurate address.

Further Information

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